Implementación de un algoritmo para la detección de señales de tránsito del Ecuador: Pare, Ceda el paso y Velocidad

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Marco Javier Flores Calero|
Cristian Conlago
Jhonny Yunda
Milton Aldás
Carlos Flores


This paper presents a prototype for a traffic sign detection system (TSDS) on-board a moving vehicle. Therefore, a new approach to the development of an TSDS is presented, using the following innovations: i) an efficient method of color segmentation for the generation of regions of interest (ROIs) based on k-NN with Km-means , ii) a new version of the HOG descriptor for feature extraction and iii) SVM training for stage multi-classification. The proposed approach has been specialized and tested on a subset of regulatory Ecuadorian signs (Stop, Give-way and Speed). Many experiments have been carried out in real driving conditions, under different lighting changes such as normal, sunny and cloudy. This system has showed a global performance of 98.7% for segmentation, 99.49% for classification and an accuracy of 96% for detection.