Métodos multicriterio aplicados en la selección de un material para discos de freno

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Javier Martínez Gómez http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8807-7595
Mario Chérrez Troya, Magister https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7628-9793
Edilberto Antonio Llanes Cedeño, Ph. D. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6739-7661
Diana Peralta Zurita, Magister https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9523-0743


The selection of material for an automotive com-ponent is a complex process, because it involves an exploration of the main criteria according to the properties required by the component to be designed. The use of multi-criteria methods (MCDM) allows the development of a fast and efficient selection methodology, based on the analysis of the properties and the optimization indexes of the criteria to assign importance to each alternative in the selection of the best option for the manufacture of a brake disc. This study uses five candidate materials for the desired application. The MCDM methods used are multidisc-ciplinary optimization and compromise solution (VIKOR), elimination and options that reflect reality (ELECTRE I), proportional complex evaluation (COPRAS), additive ratio evaluation (ARAS), multipurpose optimization based on radius analysis (MOORA) and the ENTROPIA method is used for weighting the criteria. After the analysis of the proposed MCDM methods, the ranking of all the MCDM methods, with the observation that the COPRAS and ARAS method have the same values. The material with the best results in the COPRAS, ELECTRE I, and ARAS methods is ASTM A536, due to its low density, high elastic limit and good compressive strength.